agnes b.包包/皮夾
我要為大家來介紹名牌精品 「agnes b. 」這個法國知名品牌的品項總類很多 舉凡是斜背包*背包*肩背包*托特包、後背包、零錢包、皮夾、長夾、名片夾、圍巾和精品配件 種類很多呢!都很受年輕名媛貴婦的 喜愛唷!晉升上流階級的您 千萬不要錯過 品味出眾的精品品牌。 I want to introduce you to the famous brand agnes b.!

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- agnes b. (119)
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agnès b. (born Agnès Andrée Marguerite Troublé, 1941 in Versailles) is a French fashion designer. She is known for her self-named brand, which includes fashion and film interests. Agnès had mixed twins at 19 and she separated from their father fr:Christian Bourgois at 20. She graduated from École du Louvre in Paris. A career soon followed when her personal style caught the eyes of Elle magazine staffers at a Paris flea market. Her style of dress at the time, which included selections from France's Monoprix discount chain, was inspired less by fashion than thrift, but the magazine liked what it saw and hired her as a junior editor. With a mind towards designing rather than editing fashion, she left ELLE after less than two years, preferring apprenticeships even when they paid little and offered no time off. She became a designer, buyer, and press attaché for Dorothée Bis in Paris. She freelance designed for Limitex, Pierre d'Alby, V de V, and Eversbin in the years 1965 and '66. In the latter year, she founded CMC (Comptoir Mondial de Creation), parent of the agnès b. label. She opened her first boutique in Les Halles in 1975. Formerly a butcher shop, the black and white tiled store had a rustic, communal atmosphere, defined by an indoor swing for children and an impromptu aviary . Birds flew free in the cavernous space, built nests and hatched their chicks in the displays. "It was very cool" she says "We were writing on the walls." agnès's friends were her first repeat customers. --- from wiki